Advance Plumbing & Heating
“For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs.” Lic. # 204461-P1
- Berlin Plumbing Services
- Berlin Heating Service and Repair
- Plumbing Installation
- Plumbing Repairs and Remodeling
- Water Heaters
- Drain Cleaning & More!
Serving Berlin, CT and throughout Central Connecticut
Plumbers in Berlin, Connecticut run into all types of plumbing service issues.
Berlin, CT Plumbing Contractors specializing in commercial new construction plumbing have different day to day plumbing duties than residential Berlin Plumbers that offer emergency plumbing services. Either way, you should always look for experienced licensed professional plumbers and plumbing contractors.
What kind of plumbing problems might Berlin, Connecticut Plumbers run into? Too many to list, but here are a few plumbing service issues Connecticut Plumbing Contractors see all the time:
- Faucet Leak
- Clogged Drain or Drain Leak
- Clogged Pipe or Pipe Leak
- Clogged or Broken Garbage Disposal
- Clogged or Backed up Toilet
It doesn't matter where you live in Connecticut, sooner or later you will have a plumbing problem that will need to be taken care of.
When you think of all the potential plumbing service needs in a Connecticut home, it can get pretty overwhelming if you are not prepared. Consider the water you drink and all the other vital plumbing functions in a home in Connecticut, and you will agree that it is always best to call a licensed professional Connecticut plumbing Contractor. Some of their services include:
- Faucet Installation
- Shower Installation
- Bath Tub Installation
- Toilet Installation
- Dishwasher Installation
- Garbage Disposal Installation
- And many more kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling services
Did you know that many plumbers in Connecticut will also be able to handle problems with your home's heating system? An Berlin, CT plumbing and heating contractor may also specialize in: Boiler Installation, Boiler Maintenance, Boiler Repairs, Furnace Installation, Furnace Maintenance, and Furnace Repairs.
Berlin, Connecticut is located at the geographic center of the state. The Mattabasset Native Americans originally called the Berlin, CT area Pagonchawnischage, which translates to, "the great white oak place," and it is without coincidence that the Connecticut State Tree is the White Oak. The seal of the town of Berlin has it's famous "The Yankee Pedler," outfitted in his revolutionary dress with a basket under his arm, a pack full of tin ware on his back and is a nod to Berlin's industrial roots.
- Berlin, Connecticut derives it's name from the city in Germany. During World War I, as an act of patriotism, the town changed the pronunciation of their town name from Ber-LIN, like the German capital, to BER-lin.
- The Patterson Brothers are recognized as beginning Berlin, Connecticut's industrial history.
- Sergeant Richard Beckley became the first settler in what was to become Berlin in 1659 when he purchased 300 acres from Chief Tarramuggus.